I’m going to be posting links to this blog and my patreon whenever I upload stuff. Hopefully I’ll get some supporters because it is hard to art without money. Sure I can use free programs, but it is the stress of not having reliable income (or any at all). The more support I can get, the more I’ll be able to art and expand my skills. Many of my ideas are just languishing because I haven’t the time or energy to invest. Maybe when I get a couple hundred watchers on deviantart or ponibooru things will pick up. I just need support to do art to get support to do art to …

You never know, you might just get some visitors.

I was born with a congenital heart defect that needed surgery when I was younger. First at four months, then again at two years. This meant that I never had a very strong heart. While I could do many physical activities, I never had the heart to run a marathon or join the army. But something happened, and my heart became weaker.

My addiction to a powdery white substance seems to be the culprit, but I won’t know until I go to the doctor. The problem is, I don’t have the money to see a doctor. I might qualify for some kind of assistance here in the states, for my pre-existing condition, but I don’t know. Disability is another option, but I don’t want to be a burden on the government. We have enough of that here, but they might foot checkups if I apply.

The conditions are as follows. My heart beats harder and irregularly, with bouts of dizziness and lightheadedness. More severe conditions make my upper body tingle and I almost faint. Ignoring the lesser symptoms forces my body to adapt, but my stomach hurts severely. The pain is comparable to eating a big meal just before running, but even worse. Resting until my heart slows can help, but I only have so much energy per day. Afterward, I have to either stop most activities, or sleep. I am assuming it is low blood pressure, but I’d rather have a professional opinion.

The addiction I have is not making this any easier. I’ve tried quitting, or at east reducing my consumption of the substance. Doing so is difficult when the substance is so prevalent in both solid and liquid form. Withdrawal symptoms are also a pain. You might not know how often these cravings happen when watching television or looking at an image, but it is annoying. Small amounts may be healthy, but it is being pushed way too hard by major cartels.

You might think this is my fault by becoming addicted, but what addictions do you have? Coffee, internet, video games, or even my own addiction. Nobody tells you the dangers of common substance abuse until it is too late. The information is being obscured by the cartels and the government employees they pay off. This substance is being pumped into every corner of the world by the kilo. Everyone suffers, just like when the tobacco companies fought so hard to wage their profits against our lives, and they still exist.

It is found in coke, chocolate, some medicines,  and many other ubiquitous products you use everyday. This is why I urge you, for your health, to reduce this substance from your life. Remove sugar at every opportunity. Overdosing is easy, and the effects cumulative. Heart, liver, brain, everything is affected. The real problem is when you see how many products have sugar, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, beet sugar, and fruit sugars added. Does tomato soup or chef boyardee really need HFCS?

Every time I watch Adventure Time, I want cinnamon bun in my mouth so bad.

Addiction to White

And I have respect to those who do it. 2d animations are the hardest, since you have to position everything. With 3d, at least the engine does most of the work. I’m going t make an animation or two in the next few weeks, but simple ones. I’ll post them to Derpibooru and then link the safe ones here (or vice-versa).

Animating is difficult.

Usually I use pre-made assets to make comic creation faster, but I make the assets myself. Now  I create images in two ways, normal and slinging.


Normal: Attention to detail, full background, but it takes a while to create images and comics.

Slinging: No attention to detail, skimpy backgrounds, quick releases.

I mainly sling images if I just want to complete something quickly. I’m going to try to find some good middle ground. I’d like to make more images faster with less slowdown.

Two ways I draw comics/images.